Top 5 easy Tips to Clean Your House

Recently updated on February 1st, 2020

Hey Everyone!

I am so excited to introduce a guest blogger with you all and everything that she has to share! Ellen Biggs is a homemaker, mom of three and a home improvement blogger. She blogs on how to clean your house, sharing tips including the best vacuum cleaners on the market. You can find her on

Ellen has kindly offered to share her top 5 tips to clean our homes!

Without further ado, here is Ellen’s

Top 5 Easy Tips to Clean Your House

Top 5 Easy Tips to Clean Your House.jpeg

Do you have guests coming over? Have you been too lazy to clean the house for a while now? Well, here are some tips to keep your house clean.  

Remove Cobwebs and clean the fan

You can remove the cobwebs with the vacuum or with a broom. I would suggest cleaning with a vacuum cleaner because it will absorb everything in the vacuum dust bag than dropping all over the floor. Then, take a piece of cloth and wipe off the dust and dirt from the ceiling fan. Similarly, clean the bulbs and lamps with clean cloth. Once you have cleaned the ceiling, let’s take one room at a time.  

Involve family members

Cleaning each and every room by yourself will take a good amount of your time and energy. Share cleaning work with family members, and it will make things quite easy for you. First, let them start with cleaning their respective rooms. If you have kids, who are old enough to help with cleaning, teach them to clean their respective room. Show them how to make their bed and make it a practice for them to do this every morning.  

Cleaning the kitchen

Do not leave utensils or dishes in the sink for a long time. Once the dishes dry up, it will be difficult to clean. If you can’t clean right away, pour lukewarm water over the dishes. Whenever you spill anything on the kitchen counter or gas stove clean it right away. Always keep it clutter free by placing the containers and kitchen accessories back in place after using it. Prepare vinegar and hot water solution to wipe any dried or tough stains from your kitchen appliances or counters. Also, lemon is a good cleaning agent to clean your fridge and microwave. At the end of the day, place your dishes in the dishwasher for cleaning. Never allow the dishes to stay in the sink overnight.  

Cleaning the bathroom

Clean your toilet every alternate day. Clean the mirrors with a microfiber cloth. Pour disinfectants on the bathroom floor, toilet seat and wash basin. Clean it with their respective brushes. Do not use the same brush to clean the toilet seat and the bathroom floor or the wash basin. Always arrange the toiletries and keep them in one place. Ensure you have enough toilet paper rolls in stock to replace whenever required. Used toothbrushes are good to clean the corners of the bathroom.

Living room

De-clutter and place everything in their respective place. Wipe the dust away from the furniture. Vacuum the cushions, furniture, carpet, and floor and lastly, mop the floor and once it is dry, put the carpet back on the floor.

Place all the trash in a trash bag. After cleaning the house, put all the cleaning brushes and scrubs in hot water for a while. Then clean them and dry them. Place the cleaning brushes, scrubs, disinfectants, and lotions back in one place in the storage room. You can easily access them next time when you’re cleaning the house.

These are some simple ways that I use to clean my house. It will definitely be helpful for you to keep your house sparkling clean.

This post belongs to guest blogger Ellen Biggs. To read on more wonderful homemaking tips, vist her blog at:


easy tips, clean house, homemaking, clean your house

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